Sandra Gulland's bookclub page

Notes on the Writing Life


I love to meet with book clubs, either by coming to a meeting, if possible, or by having a live Skype video or telephone chat. (The two together work best.)

If your club is interested in arranging a meet, just send me a note. (Click here to go to the Contacts page. You can also contact me through Readers' Circle.) Let me know the time and place, what book you'll be discussing, and we'll figure out how to connect.

(See at left.) I have specially-designed, signed bookplates available to readers and book clubs. Let me know if you'd be interested in one or a set. You may email me through the contact form on this website.


My most recent bookclub meets: click here.

Are you a teacher? If so, consider a Skype meet with your class—click here.

Is your bookclub dreaming of traveling to France together? Some clubs have done so!

A recent Skype/telphone meet

I recently had a wonderful meet with eight members of the Mont-Tremblant Bookmarks Club:

They were a lively group and asked many interesting questions about writing and publishing. I very much enjoyed our meet. We overcame technical difficulties with the Skype connection by switching Skype to visual-only while talking on speaker phone: the combination of the two technologies worked well.

Are you a teacher?

I talked to the Forest Hills Central High French class through Skype — chatting with each student, and answering their questions. It was wonderful. Click here to read their enthusiastic responses to the meet.

Is your bookclub thinking of traveling to France?

Some bookclubs have traveled to France after reading one of my books. For travel accounts, possibilities and recommendatons: click here.

Has your bookclub read one of my books?

If so, I'd love to hear from you. Click here to leave a message.